Published on: 6/2/2014IST

6 Ways To Get Ready To Meet Your Soul Mate

User Image Anuj Tiwari Last updated on: 6/2/2014, Permalink

So you want to meet a new, exciting person when you go out on the town, and potentially make a romantic connection? Awesome! You absolutely can. Because when you prepare yourself for new love, it's much more likely to happen.

Here are six simple things you can do that will set you up for meeting someone new and making an connection with him or her. Have a good time!

1. Enjoy the process of getting ready.

The better you feel when you go out, the more confident you are. And the more confident you are, the more inviting and attractive you become.

To ensure you feel good before you head out, your "getting ready" routine should be fun. Listen to music, enjoy putting on clothes, and pump yourself up — this will get you in the mood for a fantastic night.

2. Praise yourself.

Before you go out, tell yourself you look good! I'm serious!!

Our "vibe" plays a big role in how approachable and inviting we are. The higher your vibe (meaning, the better you feel), the more likely people are going to want to be around you.

So don't be shy! Tell yourself (in a humble way, of course) that you look good! This will help you feel confident and attractive, which is great preparation to meet new people.

3. State your intention that you want to meet someone new.

Stating your intention is kind of like saying, "Hey Universe, I'm open to this happening." The clearer you are about what you want, the more likely it is to happen. Makes sense, right?

Stating that you're open to meeting people when you're out puts the experience at the front of your mind, which helps direct your energy toward it. Before you walk out the door, just say to yourself, "I am open to meeting someone tonight." Then, remain open to it.

4. Make eye contact with people.

Many of us are much more closed off than we think. We're scared to make connections with others, and it shows. If you want to meet new people, then you have to connect. And the first step of connecting is making eye contact ... so let it happen.

Remember, eye contact is a really benign thing. You don't have to give your number to someone you make eye contact with. You don't even have to talk to them. But by making eye contact with people, you're exuding the energy of being open to making connections. This makes it more likely to happen.

5. Be open to talking to new people.

This is the next step after eye contact: you talk to people. It sounds obvious, but many of us don't let this happen.

It's just simple logic: having conversations with more people prepares you to meet someone that you actually click with. Keep in mind that you don't have to talk to everyone. Trust your intuition, and only spend time talking to people you want to talk to.

If a conversation doesn't feel good, politely excuse yourself from it ("I'm going to go hang out with my friends now"). Having good boundaries keeps you safe, and makes you more willing to talk to more people.

6. Believe that amazing people are out there.

We limit ourselves with thoughts like, "There aren't any good men/women/single people out there." And I'll be honest with you, it's just not true.

First of all, there are so many people out there! People looking for a person just like you! But if you don't believe this, you're not going to find him or her.

Instead … just believe. When you do, you open yourself up to a lot of potential, and that's exactly the position you want to be in when approaching new love.

Please leave a comment below telling us one thing you're going to do to prepare yourself for meeting someone when you go out. We look forward to hearing from you!

6/2/2014 | | Permalink